The subject for AMOK08
is 'Record of a Soul?'. Two series this time: Record of Lodoss
War and Soul Calibur. At least one character from both
series needs to be included to participate for the prizes. It's nearing the
vacation season, so what they're doing must have something to do with taking time off.
(What that is, I'll leave to you. :)
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering. [ Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 ]

title: 'Elephant
artist: Rose
email: kittycat_meows@hotmail.com
size: 623x746x16M, 84kb
comment: Taki takes Deed on an elephant ride. ...Deedlit really seems to
be enjoying it. :) |
title: 'Golf'
artist: Du Brie
email: TheNoisyCricket@hotmail.com
size: 700x450x16M, 103kb
Kilik: "Be the ball, hehe."
Pirotess: "Why didn't you go home?! The hole is your home! Are you too good
for your home?!? ANSWER ME!!!!!!) |
title: 'AMOKing!'
artist: Timothy Pham
email: angel@kaworu.net
website: Star Dreamers
size: 550x485x16M, 242kb
comment: I was thinking... "I do monthlys and drawings in my spare
time, why not these Lodoss War and Soul Calibur characters?" ^_^; So I ended up
drawing and CGing this at the last minute ^_^; and I put Deedlit in the same situation I
was in, trying to complete it on time. This was done in Fractal Painter and the extras
(the wallscroll and computer screen)
were done in Paint Shop Pro. My favorite part of this pic is Deedlit's drawing of Parn
^_^;;:) |
title: 'Dress Code for
Black Knights'
artist: Clay
email: pornstarthrasher@hotmail.com
size: 400x516x16M, 244kb
comment: Relationship counselors said that they tried
everything they could, but ultimately, Ashram's refusal to take off his armor and wear a
swimsuit at the beach is what drove him and Seung Mina apart. Then of course, Pirotess
came along, and the rest is history... But seriously, I think this turned out pretty
nicely. This was colored with "artist's markers," which were sort of running
out, so I had to scan it in a bit darker than I would've liked. I admit the background is
kinda cheap, but as my H-Artwork would suggest, I'm not a 'background' guy. Anyway, I
think it's more about the people than where they are.) |
title: 'Trip to Africa'
artist: Sandy
email: ff8_rinoa45@hotmail.com
size: 848x1096x16M, 295kb
comment: Heres a comic strip where Deedlit just couldn't control her
jealousy.... ~_^ |
title: 'Welcome to
Lodoss Island, Soul Caliber!'
artist: Ben Overmyer
email: darklance@hotmail.com
website: Shadowfang X:02 - Rebirth
and Ascension
size: 718x600x16M, 123kb
comment: "Well, at first I was going to do a photo collage of
Lodoss/Soul Caliber characters, but then I saw some Welcome to Lodoss Island pics on the
Net. Inspiration! So, the result is this nifty little pic of Parn, Ashram, Deedlit,
Pirotess, Ivy, Taki, and the guy with the headband. ^_^ SD's not my forte, but I think
this turned out OK. What do you think?" |
title: 'Picnic'
artist: Ko-Mina
email: chibihorse@aol.com
size: 855x662x16M, 184kb
comment: Well, in the pic, Mina is giving a cake to Hwang. Or it can be
the other way around. And Taki and Mitsurugi is fighting over a (so called) lunch boxe of
sushi. ^-^ Kilik choked because of his hunger of food so badly. Xianghua asked if he's ok
and patted him on the back. Seigfred and Deedlit are having the same problem, jealousy.
Parn and Sophitia fell in love so...what can I say! Deedlit is jealous about Parn liking
Sophie and Seigy is jealous of Sophie liking Parn! ^-^ |
title: 'Cherry Blossom'
artist: Kotaki
email: chibidragon235@aol.com
size: 640x480x16M, 73kb
comment: This is a rushing piece of work I did with paint and colored
pencils. Xianghua, Mina, Taki, and Deedlit are watching the beautiful sakura petals
floating in the wind at a dojo. Behind there is Hwang (guy with the band) and Mitsurugi
(the samurai) playing a game of 'black and white' chess
(forgot what it's called). Parn and Kilik are watching them and if you noticed, Kilik is
having a cookie in his hand. It was a very rushing drawing, but it turned out ok. I didn't
use any computer graphics or anything like that to make this! I just want to say I'm a
HUGE fan of SoulCalibur!^-^ |