The subject for AMOK08
is 'Record of a Soul?'. Two series this time: Record of Lodoss
War and Soul Calibur. At least one character from both
series needs to be included to participate for the prizes. It's nearing the
vacation season, so what they're doing must have something to do with taking time off.
(What that is, I'll leave to you. :)
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering. [ Page 1 | Page
2 | Page 3 ]

title: 'Say What? Anime
artist: J.D. Iles
email: lostsoul@bloomnet.com
size: 484x718x16M, 107kb
comment: What better way to take a break from things than karaoke? While
Diva Deedlit sings her little heart out, her karaoke partner, Maxi, strikes a pose for his
adoring fans preparing to do his breakdance/nunchaku routine. As they sweat away in the
spotlight, it's obvious these two are going for gold! |
title: 'Rollercoaster'
artist: J.D. Iles
email: lostsoul@bloomnet.com
size: 482x613x16M, 192kb
comment: Parn's been through a lot of adventures in his life, so he
didn't think twice when Sophitia asked him to ride with her on the roller coaster
"Anime Express." As they start to fly down the 16 story drop, though, Parn
clenches to the seat for dear life. He's not quite as enthusiastic as Sophitia anymore, to
say the least! |
title: 'Boat Ride'
artist: Zelga
size: 737x564x16M, 140kb
comment: Just a pic of Orson, Sheris, Deedlit, and Parn taking a boat
ride in my take on the "It's a Small World After All" ride. I only had 3 Soul
Caliber Dolls before I just decided to go where ever my brain wandered. |
title: 'Nani?!'
artist: Hikari
email: sillabub@hotmail.com
size: 597x766x16M, 172kb
comment: This is what happens when both Deedlit and Xinghua wish to be
able to take some time off from their jobs--at the same time. I don't think this was quite
what they had in mind... ;) And Kilik and Parn are not being very supportive of the girls'
situation here... I used Xinghua as my Soul Calibur character cuz I never see any pictures
of her anywhere, and I think she is the cutest character! |
title: 'Summertime!'
artist: Pamela Ramali
email: apsylus@apsylus.com
website: Apsylus
size: 400x538x16M, 76kb
comment: I know 'Summertime!' is AMOK07's topic, but what the heck. Going
to the beach IS vacation, right? ^^~ When I read that AMOK08 includes Soul Calibur, I just
knew I had to submit a drawing >D |
title: 'Tension: Out of
the Blue'
artist: Antony Green
email: 666@insurer.com
website: Green
size: 494x562x128, 36kb
comment: After finishing the pain staking journey taken on from the order
of his master, Voldo finally received eternal bliss. But of course, being in much tense
throughout his whole life, Voldo doesn't really know how to enjoy happiness, although he
tries to regain a normal life during this summer...and his power once again exceeds his
control as he throws a tandrum right in the middle of Deedit and his activity. P.S.:
Attempting to draw with MS Paint like I did here needs WAY further practice and might lead
to massive time and energy loss. (This may be too long, but...I tried to shorten it
Credit: "Out of the Blue" is the slogan of Labatt Blues Canada.
I am not promoting for this company; I don't drink and I am only using it for other
purposes than such. |
title: 'Island
artist: Darrin Perry
email: hdperry7@hotmail.com
website: Darrin Perry
size: 607x785x256, 250kb
comment: Ivy and Seung Mina join Pirotase as she enjoys the sun on the
beaches of Hawaii. Nothing beats a tropical breeze and a cold drink when it's time to
relax. |
title: 'Spies of Summer
artist: Bamboo Dong
email: SakechanBD@yahoo.com
website: Bamboo's
Anime Fanart
size: 815x636x16M, 156kb
comment: Ivy and Seung Mina join Pirotase as she enjoys the sun on the
beaches of Hawaii. Nothing beats a tropical breeze and a cold drink when it's time to
relax. |
title: 'Women's Soccer'
artist: Julia Bacellar
email: juliabax@yahoo.com
size: 1091x1119x64, 68kb
comment: Ivy and Deed take a day off and go play soccer. Parn ( Who is
taking the pic ) tries, but can't get Ivy to say "Cheeeeeese"!!! |
title: 'Fashion Show'
artist: Jade
email: Jade_Spyder@yahoo.com
website: KM the
size: 720x330x16M, 67kb
comment: In the 15th Century, Sophitia was quite obviously, queen of
fashion in Greece. However, as time went on, she began to run out of new ideas... Here,
she's holding a fashion show using examples from all the old and new of the past and
future with some helpful volunteers: Taki, Deedlit, Voldo, and Woodchuck as she, with pins
in mouth, proudly looks on. This was thrown together (with a bit of frustration) after I
drew each character in pencil on separate papers. I regret doing it that way but it came
out all right, I think. |