The subject for
AMOK08 is 'Record of a Soul?'. Two series this time: Record
of Lodoss War and Soul Calibur. At least one character from both
series needs to be included to participate for the prizes. It's nearing the
vacation season, so what they're doing must have something to do with taking time off.
(What that is, I'll leave to you. :)
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering. |

title: 'Girls Night
artist: Rynnakat
email: Rynna0@hotmail.com
website: Rynnakat's Art
size: 576x720x16M, 106kb
comment: Well, Pirotase was just out wandering, when she happened on Ivy
working out in the arena. One thing led to another, and the girl's decided to work out
together to relive thier....um.....tension! (Made entirely on Paint Shop Pro from scratch,
and background is a scene from the game!) |
title: 'Fighter's
artist: Thiéry "TA Link" Adam
email: ta_link@yahoo.com
size: 603x792x16M, 120kb
comment: Lost in the valley of warriors,
Two spirits locked into eternity,
Their faces forever engraved in memory. |