The subject for AMOK10
is 'Celebration!', for the simple fact that the CG Shrines have recently added it's 100th shrine
and for this being the 10th AMOK since the beginning of this section, with just a dash of the xmass season.
No set series this time, so you get to decide which series to use, as long as there are two different series
present. Also you must include the LPD (The small purple dragon that is the
shrines's mascot) somewhere in your artwork. How, or where is for you to decide. :)
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Merry Christmass Amok
artist: Jamie Davenport
email: iira@chek.com
website: Cranberry Blossom
size: 400x513x16M, 142kb
comment: The beautiful Ruri of Nadesico and Skuld of OMG together with the LPD wish AMOK
Merry Christmas!

title: Spooky Christmas!
artist: Joni "Zora" Graybill
email: gypsy_zora@yahoo.com
size: 594x550x16M, 175kb
comment: Cowboy Bebop's Edward found the perfect Christmas present for The Slayers' Lina
Inverse in the form of the LPD! So much for Lina being the "Dragon Spooker". ;-) The picture is called
"Spooky Christmas!" because one of Ed's favorite words is "Spooky", as every Bebop fan knows. Happy
Holidays everyone!

title: I want the Cake!
artist: Joonwoo Bahk
website: Studio JLB
size: 553x689x16M, 182kb
comment: Four characters, Candy because it is your favorite, Tifa cause she's one of people's
favorite, Athena cause she is one of my Favorite, and Felicia cause you always seem to have a catgirl on your
banner/title. There is LPD reaching out for the cake, which seemed to have disappeared because of the candles.

title: Lina's Head Gets Unwelcome Visitor
artist: Eileen "Ruka" Murphy
email: HarukaSky@aol.com
size: 420x636x16M, 80kb
comment: Basically, the mascot dragon landed on Lina's head, and is makin a firy image of
himself, and Lina Inverse is not at all pleased...Gourry and Xelloss also make an appearance in the image.

title: Sofianime's big celebration
artist: Sofianime
email: sofia1@primenet.com
size: 500x584x16M, 80kb
comment: Rei, Asuka, Chun Li, Morrigan, Sofia, Mai and the cute purple dragon are having a big
celebration. Let's join in!

title: Vivi Celebrates Christmas with Totoro
artist: The Nee
email: pinky@n-jcenter.com
size: 460x583x16M, 111kb
comment: Here's one of Vivi from Final Fantasy 8 and also a Moogle from 8, along with Totoro from
My Neighbor Totoro and some of the dust bunnies from My Neighbor Totoro. ^_^()

title: Public Menace #1
artist: Layla Lawlor
email: sholio@yahoo.com
website: http://www.ravenschildren.com/
size: 576x390x16M, 92kb
comment: Looks like those Insurance Girls from "Trigun" decided to stop bothering Vash and go
after a REAL public menace... Lina Inverse from "Slayers"! And of course they brought donuts! (If you haven't
seen Trigun, donuts crop up at least once per episode...) Up in the corner, the LPD tries to figure out what
Trigun's mysterious black cat is doing there. (Good luck, LPD. None of the fans have figured it out yet, either.)
And yes, that is a sprig of mistletoe behind Meryl's ear! Happy Holidays everyone!

title: It's Anime Wonderful Life
artist: Hikari
size: 596x782x16M, 151kb
comment: Here is my entry for AMOK 10, entitled "It's Anime Wonderful Life". :) What better way
is there to celebrate the holiday season than by sitting near the fire with family and friends to watch movies?
Here's one of everyone's all-time favorite Christmas movies...with a little nihonshiki (Japanese Style) twist! :D
Hope you find it as amusing as I did, I had a blast making this!

title: 100CG
artist: Tasuki
email: tasuki@tiscalinet.it
size: 702x773x16M, 158kb
comment: In this image Vash, Excel, Purple Dragon and Trigun's cat are celebrating your 100th
CG shrine, maybe too much!!!

title: Christmas with Tenchi Calibur
artist: Kotaki
email: chibidragon235@aol.com
size: 808x628x16M, 180kb
comment: Haha..you could most likely tell, but here are the characters from Tenchi Muyo and
Soul Calibur. Aeka and Ryoko are fighting over Tenchi, but Ryoko's also kinda annoying Taki. Seung Mina and
Sasami are looking at the two cuties: Ryo-oh-ki and the purple dragon. Xianghua was surprised to receive a
present from Kilik, and Kiyone was surprise to receive one from her partner Mihoshi; she's not happy about
that. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
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