title: A smily new brand...
artist: Lochness
email: Don_Dragon@Yahoo.com
size: 457x760x16M, 94kb
comment: Everybody loves gardening, even Ivy Valentine!

title: Growing the new bunch
artist: TA Link
email: ta_link@yahoo.com
size: 718x600x16M, 87kb
comment: With the sun finally out, Aerith can now work on the new flowers for
the next season. I originally wanted to draw Tifa painting eggs, but when my girlfriend offered
to pose, it changed the subject. I'm much happier with this one.

title: Funny Looking Chocobo?
artist: Cloud (a.k.a. Daniel Fielding)
email: _cloudstrife@yahoo.com
website: Nottingham Anime & Manga Society
size: 507x600x16M, 97kb
comment: Awww look, Aeris has been keeping an egg in her flower basket and it's
somehow magically hatched... into something which looks vaguely familiar (give or take a bit of
artistic license).

title: Sabre Marionette JSM-01R "bunny"
artist: LynxLRoy
email: l.roy@tokyo.com
size: 700x544x16M, 63kb
comment: Lime from Sabre Marionette laying in the grass with ester eggs and bunny ears.

title: Aisha ClanClan
artist: Douglas mcglothlin
size: 645x819x16M, 160kb
comment: First time entering some I gave it a try.

title: Aeris Lives!
artist: serphi
email: serphi@hotmail.com
size: 547x810x16M, 98kb
comment: Yes, I am two Final Fantasies behind the rest of the world XD This is a pic of
Aeris taking a walk in the forest on a spring morning to gather flying easter eggs ^^ (that just about
describes the whole pic O_o) I really wanted to put a bunny somewhere but...Oo couldn't fit it in.
Oh well. Hope you like it ^^

title: "The Egg and Ed"
artist: Kidd
email: misao_ninja@yahoo.com
website: http://www.geocities.com/misao_ninja/myinfo.html
size: 421x545x16M, 151kb
comment: I got the inspiration from the BGM "The Egg and I" from Cowboy Bebop. Ed's
supposed to have a little pout but I screwed up and it looks like a weird smirk... my early sketch of her
looks better. Markers, ink, color pencils and acrylic paint.
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