The subject for AMOK12
is 'AMOK Easter/Spring (All your AMOK are belong to us!)'. Pick any of the series represented in the
shrines and make it an easter-y, spring picture. (We've seen enough of the winter! :) We want frolicking catgirls! Aerith
tending to her garden! Samus painting her home! Edea painting her easter eggs.. whatever! ^_^
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Happy Easter DOA
artist: A.Duster
size: 450x550x16M, 104kb
comment: None

title: Cutey Honey-Bunny
artist: Neko-Chan
website: An Angel for Yuki-Chan
size: 480x832x16M, 69kb
comment: My first entry to any type of monthly contest. I think it turned out pretty well.
I purposely skewed the dimensions a bit to make her look more rabbit-like. I hope the background doesn't
detract from the picture too much. Happy Easter everyone!

title: Happy Easter, Love Buletta
artist: 3.Votano
website: An Angel for Yuki-Chan
size: 683x600x16M, 78kb
comment: My 2nd amok entry (last months "Bisons Angels") and only my 4th photoshop attempt.Turned out
o.k. considering I had to use a mouse for the entire thing and tried a different shading method.The idea I had for a
while and I think it suits Buletta perfectly.She is one of my favourite characters which also made doing it a bit of
fun.See ya next month ~_^.

title: Spring is here!
artist: Sofianime
size: 683x600x16M, 78kb
comment: There is nothing more fun than watching Felicia chasing butterflies and Asuka and Morrigan
enjoying the aroma of beautiful roses. Let's stop and smell the roses! Let's celebrate springtime! :)

title: Filia's Shell
artist: Mirana Reveier
website: Mirana's Mythology
size: 450x582x16M, 54kb
comment: This isn't your most obvious Easter-ish pic, but I was trying for
something a bit more subtle. ^_~ Filia-sama from Slayers Try in a rather...hmm...un-priestess-ly
spring get-up. She looks so good in red, I think. ^_~ I also thought that Filia being born from
an egg played into the theme nicely.

title: Irrisponsible Captain....Easter?
artist: Sakurasenshi
website: Hmmmmmmm,...still don't have a name....
size: 864x864x16M, 114kb
comment: I decided to fianlly try my hand at doing an actually CGed work of art, and it turned out.....
well better that I expected.

title: Fitting in
artist: Unce Unce
size: 864x864x16M, 114kb
comment: This is my entry, it's supposed to be Tifa Lockhart..... enjoy :)

title: Merle's Easter Egg
artist: Zora
size: 450x595x16M, 84kb
comment: As was prompted, here is Escaflowne's Merle painting her Easter Egg. However, instead of the
usual stripes, polka-dots, and bunny rabbits, Merle's painting something much more interesting -- her beloved
Van-Sama! ;-)

title: FF9 Easter Egg Hunting
artist: Sachiko
size: 890x689x16M, 143kb
comment: I have not much to say, but here's ff9 characters hunting for eggs. Zidane found an egg that
looks like Vivi. Dagger found an egg, and Eiko is flying in the air, looking for eggs. Vivi accidently dropped an egg
(aww!), and Quina attempts to take some eggs from Freija/Freya's basket. It took me forever...but it turned out ok ^_^
FF9's awesome, and Happy Easter!

title: FF7 Yuffie
artist: Blackline Master
size: 375x630x16M, 113kb
comment: Yuffie does appear on the shrines, after all. :)
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