The subject for AMOK12
is 'AMOK Easter/Spring (All your AMOK are belong to us!)'. Pick any of the series represented in the
shrines and make it an easter-y, spring picture. (We've seen enough of the winter! :) We want frolicking catgirls! Aerith
tending to her garden! Samus painting her home! Edea painting her easter eggs.. whatever! ^_^
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: A Happy Neon Easter
artist: A.Duster
size: 461x728x16M, 74kb
comment: None

title: Mai's easter Eggs (-_-;)
artist: Balak
email: Yves9@wanadoo.fr
website: Balak's bouncy art
size: 596x655x16M, 71kb
comment: Well, the idea is not very elaborate...Replace the easter eggs by Mai's boobs, wow, how
original. But that was the first idea that comes to my mind; I tried to find something else, but I kept coming back at
this stupid stuff. And I can't resist: I put Joe Higashi, my favorite fighter.

title: Easter Egg Hunt
artist: Andy (P-Chan)
email: CaptainPenko@yahoo.com
website: Mediocre
size: 603x554x16M, 111kb
comment: I thought this up while I was listening to weird music.. Dunno, thought it would be cute. I always
read yaoi stories where the guys are paired up and sneaking behind the girl's backs, so I thought it would be funny if
the girls were going behind their backs with each other at the same time... ^.^

title: Happy Hunting!
artist: Filthy Animal! (a.k.a. Carlos)
email: dadl0ngleg@msn.com
size: 960x690x16M, 217kb
comment: Spring fever is running very high for Cutey Honey-Bunny-H! Happy Easter to all!
Background was created with Painter while Photoshop was utilized for foreground.
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