The subject for AMOK14
is '4th Year and still going!'. May 10th 2001, the CG Shrines will be online 4 years! To
celebrate that, and as general pat on our own back (boy, aren't we proud!), the 14th AMOK will be a free for all
-- with only one must, and it's a hefty one. Include as many of the characters featured in the shrines as you wish.
The more, the better. (Make it at least 6)
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Third time lucky?
artist: Cloud (a.k.a. Daniel Fielding)
email: _cloudstrife@yahoo.com
website: Nottingham Anime & Manga Society
size: 1376x850x16M, 183kb
comment: Took a while to stick together, altogether spanned out over about a month (but I
didn't spend all that time working on it, obviously!). A few different colouring styles were used, to stop
me getting bored as much as any other greater artistic purpose. Anyway... See if you can recognise all
of the characters! ^_^

title: Catgirls!
artist: SilverHerald
size: 1147x1572x16M, 250kb
comment: These are the MK girls, what can he say dogs are not his best friend, so to you
MK I wish you many more years of great shrines.. thanks!

title: None given
artist: Eggplant
email: oneill@fyi.net
size: 900x1227x16M, 229kb
comment: I know the colors are a little funky here and there but that's because I used
markers to color it in. I didn't have enough money to buy the REALLY big set so I had a limited number of
colors. You wouldn't believe what a pain it was to scan this thing in. It kept ending up being way too
big to send anywhere. But I did it heh heh.

title: Danger, Danger!
artist: SCarab
email: scarabz@earthlink.net
website: The Home of SCarab
size: 504x466x16M, 62kb
comment: In looking through the shrines, I noticed how many of them can be... dangerous,
in one way or another. So I decided to group them together with that in mind. Each picture was drawn
separately, and the final composition was thrown together at the last minute. Enjoy!

title: Shrinemaidens
artist: Mark Mandolia
size: 798x599x16M, 248kb
comment: At the moment this image was started, 109 characters had a shrine.. and this is a
much in size reduced version of the image. The original is very much larger than 250kb, and not finished yet,
as you can see, only base colouring has been done. No highlights yet, but it's a continuing process.

title: On The Beach
artist: Metalmiku
email: metalmiku@hotmail.com
website: Metamiku's domain
size: 487x750x16M, 72kb
comment: I made this by Paint Shop Pro 4.I usually like to draw game characters because
I don't find so much fanart of them.I hope that I can still join the contest.

title: sunny island
artist: esuteru
size: 644x500x16M, 68kb
comment: I should have started a week earlier,this painting took me longer than I
expected (thanks to my slow painting skills).They all look excited,but cammy tries to look calm...they
even have a present,but its from Aeris so its...flowers!-aeris style.
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