The subject for AMOK14
is '4th Year and still going!'. May 10th 2001, the CG Shrines will be online 4 years! To
celebrate that, and as general pat on our own back (boy, aren't we proud!), the 14th AMOK will be a free for all
-- with only one must, and it's a hefty one. Include as many of the characters featured in the shrines as you wish.
The more, the better. (Make it at least 6)
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Right On!!!!
artist: Kenny
size: 1265x976x16M, 220kb
comment: Heros of lodess!!!

title: Happy Anniversary
artist: A.Duster
size: 599x572x16M, 202kb
comment: None

title: CG Shrine's Class of 2001
artist: Nicky Sanders
email: leosun49@yahoo.com
size: 947x902x16M, 193kb
comment: Okay, this is my first time entering any art here, though I've really been meaning
to! This pic includes 24 of the shrine girls. including my fav, Edea! happy anniversary!

title: Wazzap!
artist: Chrislea-chan
email: Psyche_oni_chan@hotmail.com
website: Scribbler Chrislea's Wakusei
size: 873x637x16M, 145kb
comment: The girls of DoA and FF get together for a sleepover and, well... This happens.
Using my two favorite games and one of my favorite commercials, I put together a one-page short that
probably defies all laws of science by enrolling all of the girls into Selphie's school and making
Ayane, Helene, and Kasumi good friends. Slightly less shocking is a glimpse of Quistis with her hair down,
something I've always wondered about, myself. ^_^

title: Shinji's Own Celebration
artist: Tracey
email: rinoa_17_uk@hotmail.com
website: TeeKay's Anime Art
size: 900x1293x16M, 240kb
comment: I haven't entered one of these comps for months..and how bad my earlier pics
are ><. I'll probably think the same about this too later on. Anyway, since Nge is my fave anime I
thought I'd use Asuka, with Shinji having a lil day dream about his - and my - fave female characters.
Kasumi, Motoko, Chun-Li and Tifa feature, with Taki seeming to be a bit lost but I hadta include her ^^
This took me ages to do and I had to finish it before I go on holiday but I think it was worth it.
Happy 4th Birthday!

title: Happy Anniversary
artist: Shirono
email: usagi_suzume@hotmail.com
website: Shirono no Manga
size: 648x537x16M, 106kb
comment: Wow, doesn't Lain look disenchanted....Dota is kawaii....

title: Happy Anniversary!
artist: Jamie
email: Juniper048@aol.com
size: 1096x848x16M, 217kb
comment: None

title: Still Going, Still #1!!!
artist: Vince Ma
email: vince@penpen.com
website: Eternal EnigMA
size: 710x913x16M, 219kb
comment: This em...took me longer than I expected. I thought I could actually get this
done before the first month of AMOK-14. Yet, here I am, trying to beat the deadline once again. :)
Anyways, this is a pic of a selected bunch of the girls featured in CG Shrines. To confine their
excitement, they baked a cake! Yay~ To be honest, I like all the gals of CG Shrines so it was difficult
for me to pick out who to draw. Oh, and hey, here's a BIG 4th Anniversary Congrats to the CG SHRINES!
Still #1 in my book... ^_^

title: The Special Wish
artist: Vince Ma
email: vince@penpen.com
website: Eternal EnigMA
size: 710x913x16M, 219kb
comment: This is just a variation of my first submittion.
Nothing too different or special. I just like the atmosphere. ^_^;

title: Shrine 4 Life
artist: DUST
size: 490x405x16M, 59kb
comment: None
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