The subject for AMOK14
is '4th Year and still going!'. May 10th 2001, the CG Shrines will be online 4 years! To
celebrate that, and as general pat on our own back (boy, aren't we proud!), the 14th AMOK will be a free for all
-- with only one must, and it's a hefty one. Include as many of the characters featured in the shrines as you wish.
The more, the better. (Make it at least 6)
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Congratulations
artist: DUST
size: 599x488x16M, 102kb
comment: Congatulatons for 4 years keep up the good work, I used Asuka and selphie my two favorites characters.

title: SilverHerald's Party
artist: SilverHerald
size: 1316x946x16M, 258kb
comment: None

artist: Aya
email: otakuvixen@hotmail.com
website: Pink Revolution
size: 906x700x16M, 224kb
comment: Bedroom with from left to right, aerith, aisha, selphie, asuka, and merle with Katt licking.
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