The subject for AMOK15
is 'Fantastic Fairytales'. Another new guise to the old 'character in an alternative outfit',
but with a twist. Take your favorite shrine character(s) (i.e. a characted with a section on the CG Shrines website) and put them in your favorite fairytale scene. ^_^
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: The Billy Goats Slayers
artist: J.D. Tuttle/Eto
email: etonia@waha1.com
website: The Shape of Destiny
size: 729x600x16M, 72kb
comment: The first generation of Slayers gives a new spin on the fairy tale of the
Billy Goats Gruff in a community play! Zelgadis narrates as Lina tries to negotiate over the bridge
past the evil Rezo troll. Amelia has already made it... But can Gourry be triumpant when his turn to
cross comes?

title: Prince Tooya and Princess Aya
artist: Hoshiko Nakamura
email: hoshiko_@hotmail.com
size: 729x600x16M, 72kb
comment: Well if you don't know what character's these guys are from (>_<;; shame on you!!)
they're from Ayashi no Ceres. And i guess since they are both labelled and dressed as a prince and
princess, you can pretty much take your pick for which fairy tale they belong to. I was thinking more
alone the lines of Cinderella, or Sleeping Beauty....but i guess if you can think of some other tale that
is fine ^_~.....

title: Beware of beautiful pale stranger
artist: Mi Yraehtos
email: im_akane@hotmail.com
size: 540x685x16M, 145kb
comment: This is a scene depicted from Ali Baba and the 40 thieves. In here, Morgiana
(Ifurita) dances to entertain her guest before she attacks the captain of the thieves. I really enjoy
doing this picture, especially the jewelries.

title: Sleeping Tifa
artist: Tracey
website: Misatos' N.E.R.V-A
size: 591x771x16M, 134kb
comment: Done in pencil with a simple cg colouring, I didnt have time to colour it fully,
but this worked better than I thought it would. Here, Tifa got quite a surprise from her Prince...I
wonder where Cloud is.
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