The subject for AMOK15
is 'Fantastic Fairytales'. Another new guise to the old 'character in an alternative outfit',
but with a twist. Take your favorite shrine character(s) (i.e. a characted with a section on the CG Shrines website) and put them in your favorite fairytale scene. ^_^
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Hansel and Gretel's revenge
artist: Chibi-chan
website: Bishounen-Ai
size: 800x602x16M, 91kb
comment: Lina and Gourry just ate the entire candy house. Your not surprised are you?
The evil witch is even more stunned that Lina wants to eat more, while chibi-Gourry is oblivious and
finishes off what's left.

title: Soryella
artist: Shirono
website: Shirono no Manga
size: 581x745x16M, 105kb
comment: An obvious spoof of cinderella with our favourite red-head.

title: Want an apple?
artist: Mary-chan
size: 420x558x16M, 65kb
comment: This should have been a totally nice, innocent, naive-as-always Rinoa as Snowwhite.
BUT: Why should Rinoa always be nice, innocent, naive (and so on). So Snowwhite somehow transformed into
Evil Snowwhite...

title: Aerith
artist: Alex S
website: Asian Ink
size: 420x558x16M, 65kb
comment: WoW, another picture from ff7! you can never have enough of those. This one here
was inspired by Snow White, i really hate doing backgrounds so this is as good as its going to get.

title: To Wake a Sleeping Angel- Part 1
artist: Majere
website: Red Giant
size: 800x535x16M, 169kb
comment: Reprising her 'Yuri- Warrior Princess' role from flash, the Lovely Angel dives
back into cyberspace to rescue sleeping beauty Kei. But first she needs to cut past the thorns around
the castle- and the Ivy!

title: Lil' Breast Slaying Hood
artist: Gio-San
size: 1047x766x16M, 151kb
comment: Lina beating a mean ol' wolf

title: Final Fairy Tale
artist: Rachel S. Young
website: Artoki
size: 366x548x16M, 62kb
comment: My first entry to a monthly contest^^ I love the idea of putting shrine characters into fairy tales! This is Aeris as
Rapunzel, it seemed to make sense because of her hair^^

title: Little Miss Aya
artist: Blackline Master
size: 274x620x16M, 82kb
comment: I was initially going to submit this AMOK entry as a grayscale image, but I knew
it could never win as such. I took the time to do it in color, and it doesn't look half-bad! The fairy tale
I used was 'Little Miss Muffet', portrayed by Aya Brea of the Parasite Eve series.

title: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
artist: Zora
size: 612x500x16M, 159kb
comment: Not Asuka! After fighting angels, this poor wolf was a pushover for our
"Evangelion" pilot. I bet he'll think twice before going after any more girls in red. ;-D

title: PinocchiRoll
artist: Vince Ma
website: Eternal EnigMA
size: 550x672x16M, 98kb
comment: ince nobody has done Pinocchio yet, I'd figgure I'll give it a go.
Roll Casket is our first victim to get the Pinocchio treatment! ...ah well...
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