The subject for AMOK16
is 'Honest History?'. Put your favorite characters in a historical context. Whether it's the
landing on the moon or the discovery of America doesn't matter. Include at least two characters found in the
shrines, but otherwise, you're free to do as you like. ^_^
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Cheshire Crossing the Delaware
artist: D. Brent O'Gara
email: D_Brent_OGara@msn.com
website: My Gallery at ElfWood
size: 1083x835x16M, 200kb
comment: Naga, Cheetah, Wendy, Pirotesse, Morrigan, the LPD, Ifurita, Pink, Lime, Honey, Fillia, and Felicia join Cheshire for a re-enactment of Washington's epic crossing of the Delaware River. (Later on they attacked Trenton, and several of his friends) I made an attempt to depict each character in the same style of art as they are drawn by their creators. The original composition of the image is a 200 year old painting by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze, I'm pretty sure he won't mind.

title: In the 19th century
artist: Juha "Archus" Salmijärvi
email: jsalmija@nettilinja.fi
website: The Fifth Dimension
size: 794x589x16M, 94kb
comment: Tina and Helena in the 19th century France.
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