The subject for AMOK16
is 'Honest History?'. Put your favorite characters in a historical context. Whether it's the
landing on the moon or the discovery of America doesn't matter. Include at least two characters found in the
shrines, but otherwise, you're free to do as you like. ^_^
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: World War NEXT
artist: Jonathan Tiu
size: 900x600x16M, 158kb
comment: Who needs guns when you can digger bolt.. I had fun making this one. Whee!

title: God Bless America!
artist: Alex S.
size: 746x760x16M, 178kb
comment: This picture depicts the arrival of the Spanish to the new world (with Rinoa waiting there -- a quick sketch created in photoshop)

title: Och Mai the Noo!
artist: Van Lardo
website: Van Lardo's Videogame Art Homepage
size: 317x839x16M, 64kb
comment: I was planning to make this the "Tart 'n' Army", but I decided that would be rude... ^_^ Anyway, here's Mai in a recreation of the Battle of Bannokburn in Scotland. She sure is a "break-heart".

title: Selphless Queen
artist: Catherine "FireWing" Cook
website: Firewing Angel's Fantasy Art
size: 317x839x16M, 64kb
comment: It's my first submission to the AMOK, so... Anyway I had this Idea swimming in my head about the building of the pyramids, so I did. I have Selphie as the colapsed worker, Rinoa as the queen and Quistis as the waterbearer, forgive me if it isn't very good.

title: She didn't do it
artist: Chibi-chan
website: Bishounen-ai
size: 598x413x16M, 51kb
comment: Contrary to popular beleif, it was not Lucrezia Borgia who poisoned people but her brother, Cezar.

title: Kenshin & Tomoe
artist: Hugo Yeh
website: Hugo 3D
size: 640x480x16M, 60kb
comment: Fan Art inspired by Rurouni Kenshin anime series

title: It's not just famous for the poet Sappho
artist: Chibi-chan
size: 812x483x16M, 50kb
comment: True history fact: The first 'Miss Universe' contest was held in1939 on the island of Lesbos. I'm sure the girls weren't as into each other as the name of the island implied, but I took some liberties and put my two favorite Yuri Couples (Naga and Lina, and Mihoshi and Kiyone) in the picture. Asuka is there too, but she's just mad she didn't win.

title: Pumas in Vietnam War
artist: Adam McKinley
size: 846x1148x16M, 125kb
comment: Not much to say but that I thought it would be interesting to see what the pumas look like in military clothing, and the Vietnam War as a history thing came to mind so this what I came up with.

title: Elictricity
artist: Tran Nguyen
size: 700x500x16M, 224kb
comment: it took a really long time to color and i used cg coloring. I don't have a scanner so i had to use my mouse to make the outline of the picture and that took an even longer time. (gosh, i wish i had a scanner).

title: The first Fright!
artist: Gio-San
size: 1083x835x16M, 170kb
comment: This is my second entry to amok! here, we can see Lina and Nahga preparing for lift-off, by the way, if it was the first flight, how could they know if they were afraid of flying? Or, just use Ray Wing?
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