The subject for AMOK17
is 'Curly Elvish Stuff'. This AMOK will be difficult -- not the 'what' is the hard bit here, but the 'how'.
Draw either Deedlit or Pirotase from Record of Lodoss War in Art Nouveau/Jugendstil. This is a very specific style. To
give a little help, you can see some examples of this style on the main page. Feel free to include other characters with Deedlit or
Pirotase. Good luck!
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.

title: Lovers
artist: Jenny
email: dragonslair@yourchildlearns.com
website: Bishounen-Ai
size: 874x1030x16M, 103kb
comment: This is more a result of boredom and testing fatures of the art program, but it's art Nouveau and it's the elves, so I thought I'd send it in. It looks cool

title: Deedlit
artist: E!
website: Edge of the Mind's Eye
size: 517x630x16M, 157kb
comment: Deedlit giving us a peek as mystical forms of magic surround her. I personally don't think this pic came out all that well, I know I could've done better, but it still looks okay, and that's all that really counts, right?

title: Secret Flower
artist: Nyuna
size: 358x600x16M, 126kb
comment: I really love Jugendstill and the use of it in Anime/Manga, but it was not very easy for me to recreate this style ^^°. I put a lot of effort in this piece, after all, I got to color it for 3 times - this one, one (quite differently marker-colored) for an auction and another marker-colored for my room ^^°. And I'm looking for drawing more Jugendstill-themed pictures in future ^o^.

title: Early Riser
artist: Kime
size: 326x368x256, 51kb
comment: Didn't spend time on a bg i'm impressed for a first attempt at Pirotase.

title: Waterfall
artist: Kime
size: 393x464x256, 51kb
comment: I'm quite pleased with this one it was fun to do.

title: Pirotess
artist: A.Duster
size: 378x715x16M, 37kb
comment: None.

title: Contemplation
artist: Kieran Richardson
size: 743x808x16M, 137kb
comment: his is a picture of deedlet thinking.

title: Deedlit and Pirotase
artist: Andy
website: Mediocre
email: CaptainPenko@yahoo.com
size: 524x766x16M, 109kb
comment: None.

title: Pirotase
artist: RJM
size: 600x784x256, 55kb
comment: None.