The subject for AMOK17
is 'Curly Elvish Stuff'. This AMOK will be difficult -- not the 'what' is the hard bit here, but the 'how'.
Draw either Deedlit or Pirotase from Record of Lodoss War in Art Nouveau/Jugendstil. This is a very specific style. To
give a little help, you can see some examples of this style on the main page. Feel free to include other characters with Deedlit or
Pirotase. Good luck!
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Deedlit, by Nature
artist: Karl Nalven
size: 600x756x16M, 228kb
comment: An art noveau portrayal of Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War. I wanted to focus on the personality of the character. The naturalistic designs in the background are simple and extravagant, showing her roots in nature combined with a grandeur appropriate for her ego. Most art noveau posters portrayed the torso when a single subject is presented, thus the view of the character. Plus, the bottom portion of her body presented nothing that could benefit from a strong curvilinear style. The colors are meant to be interwoven, but not chaotic or confusing. I just hope ya like it.

title: Elf Nouveau: Eclipse
artist: Jenny
website: Bishounen-Ai
size: 425x337x16M, 45kb
comment: I got mad at this picture because the program kept crashing so hot waxed the whole thing. Looks better than I thought it would. It's inspired by an Elfquest story of two elves, representing the sun and moon fell in love and when they embrace, there's an eclipse.

title: Elf Nouvau: Wisteria
artist: Jenny
website: Bishounen-Ai
size: 686x1048x16M, 133kb
comment: I really like how the Wisteria (no, those are not grapes) came out. I moved from Washington, adn I really miss the Wisteria vines near my house.

title: Elf Deedlit
artist: Elizabeth
size: 383x596x16M, 54kb
comment: Used Painter Classic.

title: Mucha Deedlit
artist: Nezumi
website: Mouse Haunt
size: 278x360x16M, 42kb
comment: Deedlit down to her bedsheets.

title: Deedlit
artist: L.Roy
size: 278x360x16M, 42kb
comment: This is my first Nouveau/jugendstil so I'm not sure if I met all criteria. Well, anyway hope people like it.

title: Your guide to paradise
artist: Blackmyst
size: 764x924x16M, 175kb
comment: Lillith showing Deedlit around. But who knows what else she's got up her sleeve? I included Lillith because her background story seemed to fit the theme, and because her name sounds similar to Deedlit. Or something. ^^;

title: Close to My Heart
artist: E. T. Young
website: There Be Elves
size: 450x511x16M, 80kb
comment: I wasn't planning on entering the AMOK because I didn't think I'd have enough time and then I got this idea so I just had to try. I had a lot of fun doing it and I'm terribly pleased with the result! I hope everyone enjoys my entry.

title: Pirotase
artist: E!
website: Edge of the Mind's Eye
size: 560x596x16M, 180kb
comment: With this picture I did more research and took a better look at the examples that MK supplied on the mainpage of AMOK. Since she's a Dark Elf, I thought a Black Rose would fit her, the globe behind her is the Plant Emerald, but has no real reference to her, its just there to add more scenery to the picture. All in all, I believe this is a much better entry then my lackluster H-entry.

title: Deedlit and Pirotase
artist: Melissa Pagluica
website: Pari Passu
size: 574x675x16M, 169kb
comment: A picture of Deedlit and Pirotase. Used Painter 6.0...this was fun to color ^__^ Record of Lodoss War is my favorite anime!
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