The subject for AMOK17
is 'Curly Elvish Stuff'. This AMOK will be difficult -- not the 'what' is the hard bit here, but the 'how'.
Draw either Deedlit or Pirotase from Record of Lodoss War in Art Nouveau/Jugendstil. This is a very specific style. To
give a little help, you can see some examples of this style on the main page. Feel free to include other characters with Deedlit or
Pirotase. Good luck!
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Pirotase
artist: Alex S.
website: Asian Ink
size: 758x790x16M, 184kb
comment: i can't think of anything to add to the comment section, so feel free to put words in my mouth as you wish fit, also i would like to state that im not a profesional artist, so i hope you judge my artwork on the same skill level as everyone else.

title: Pirotase
artist: Alex S.
website: Asian Ink
size: 700x700x16M, 188kb
comment: i can't think of anything to add to the comment section, so feel free to put words in my mouth as you wish fit, also i would like to state that im not a profesional artist, so i hope you judge my artwork on the same skill level as everyone else.

title: Pirotase
artist: Alain
size: 1273x1096x16M, 190kb
comment: None given.

title: Pirotase
artist: Alain
size: 927x911x16M, 127kb
comment: None given.

title: Une Belle Ange
artist: Jessica
size: 1008x1362x16M, 194kb
comment: This is a slightly bad picture...mainly because of the coloring but considering that this is the first time I've actually drawn Deedlit, I guess I can understand myself ^^The competition is good...too good...I don't think I stand a chance..and I don't think I fallowed the guidelines at all..^^;; except maybe the hair but besides that..I'm doomed....-_-;;

title: Deedlit Angel Flower
artist: Izchel Aime Ochoa Gonzalez
size: 524x676x16M, 198kb
comment: You can see the elegance of Deedlit and the armony of the colors around her. I use flowers because it repesents one of the points of this kind of art; and also, the sweetness of Deedlit. It's my first draw of Nouveau/Jugendstil art, i hope you like it.

title: Obscurite
artist: Jessica
size: 804x1096x16M, 150kb
comment: This is a bad picture...but slightly better than my Deedlit picture, but that's ok because I'm still attempting to learn...I hope everyone somehow enjoys my attempt of a good picture...

title: "...And Eternity"
artist: Samantha
website: Otaku Online
size: 500x572x16M, 95kb
comment: I decided to play around with the concept of Deedlit's immortality in the series. The suns and moons correspond with the numbers of a clock as well as representing the passage of time. I positioned the hands of the clock at the top of the image to imitate Deedlit's stance. The medium is mixed, watercolor and color pencil.

title: Moonlight
artist: Kime
size: 549x630x256, 138kb
comment: My first attempt at deedlit and nouveau hope you like it i'd like to send more.

title: Deedlit
artist: Pamela Ramali
website: Apsylus
size: 500x679x256, 48kb
comment: I was just doodling this up when I noticed that AMOK was running a contest on art nouveau-ish Deedlit... so I sent it in! ^^
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