The subject for AMOK17
is 'Curly Elvish Stuff'. This AMOK will be difficult -- not the 'what' is the hard bit here, but the 'how'.
Draw either Deedlit or Pirotase from Record of Lodoss War in Art Nouveau/Jugendstil. This is a very specific style. To
give a little help, you can see some examples of this style on the main page. Feel free to include other characters with Deedlit or
Pirotase. Good luck!
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page for the time-limit, some rules and
check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Deedlit
artist: [natti]
website: unusable.signal
size: 600x690x16M, 249kb
comment: Deedlit is very suited for the Art Nouveau style. I wanted to focus on the free-flowing aspect of Art Nouveau decoration and apply it to Deedlit’s hairstyle.

title: Simply Nouveau
artist: SCarab
website: The Home of SCarab
size: 700x500x16M, 49kb
comment: I was running short on time, but I didn't want to let this theme go by without submitting something. So, I decided to strip down the subject to its bare essentials, and to see what I could do with a scanned pencil drawing I like how it turned out.

title: Deedlit study
artist: LHS
website: MCB
size: 481x700x16M, 139kb
comment: None

title: Pirotase
artist: Alex S
size: 1269x1002x16M, 201kb
comment: Here is yet another picture of pirotase, as evident from it, I'm not very skilled at doing backgrounds, oh well, at least I tried!

title: Elven Reflections
artist: Poledra
size: 527x692x16M, 243kb
comment: Reflections is my first attempt at both Art Nouveau style and AMOK. the linework was done by hand and the coloring was done completely by myself. I tried to be very symbolic with the image. Deedlit is shown outwardly surronded in light and color, but her little bird represents that bit of darkness and mischieviousness she sometimes shows. Pyrotess is done with a dark background and dress, but since I consider her misunderstood, I gave her the light little bird so show the goodness inside of her. The leaves in the center unite both woman as elves and sisters.

title: Deedlit
artist: Til Alexandros
size: 368x340x16M, 42kb
comment: This is my first Nouveau drawing. So I'm not sure if it's exactly fit the style ^_^ CG with Photoshop 5.5

title: Everlasting Beauty
artist: Til Alexandros
size: 368x340x16M, 42kb
comment: I tried to make this picture looks ...err... soft&curved, because I thought this kind of touch would give a feel of the everlasting beauty of High Elf.

title: Elf in the Wind
artist: Til Alexandros
size: 368x340x16M, 42kb
comment: The side view and her curly hair really make me think of the move of the wind... It's also my last effort of drawing Nouveau elf (and I like it heaps) ^_^

title: Elegant Deedlit
artist: Quark
size: 550x695x16M, 166kb
comment: This is my first attempt at drawing Deedlit, and I have never tried this drawing style before, so I hope it meets the criteria. I coloued this with Prismacolour pencil crayons

title: Blooming flowers
artist: Juha Salmijärvi
website: The Fifth Dimension
size: 561x782x16M, 127kb
comment: Pirotase with blooming flowers, as you can see -_^
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