The subject for AMOK11
is 'AMOK goes to the movies'. Present one or more of the shrine girls in a movie poster
style. It can be something like Mission: Impossible 2 crossed with Final Fantasy to create "Fantasy: Impossible 2",
or KOF with "Fight Club" to create "King of Fighters Club", etc.
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: there's something about cherry
artist: megan
website: wookie monkey
size: 481x820x16M, 117kb
comment: Something about cherry, from saber marionettes, complete with the lovely hairstyle.

title: Charlie's Evangelion
artist: Zac Crockett
size: 504x717x16M, 107kb
comment: My entry is entitled "Charlie's Evangelion". It features the three main
female characters of "Neon Genesis Evangelion" dressed up like they were from the movie "Charlie's
Angels". It took me about a week to finish it.

title: Lovely Weapon 4
artist: Zelga
website: Pencil Marks
size: 800x600x16M, 130kb
comment: Wow, there sure are a lot of versions of the Lovely Angels, aren't there?
What better thing to do with them than put them all in one of the most explosive movies of all time?
Lethal Weapon with an all girl team ^_^. Time to let everyone know why they're called the Dirty

title: Rally The Professional
artist: Lime
size: 802x1204x16M, 138kb
comment: I got the idea for this pic while watching one of my favourite films
Leon, I thought that Leon was similar to rally in a way and Minnie May made a perfect Mathilda. :)

title: Devil Hunter Yohko's Advocate
artist: Hikari
size: 848x1037x16M, 205kb
comment: Yah, I know, Mano Yohko doesn't have a shrine...but this was just too
perfect to pass I hope that's okay. O_o Devil's Advocate was a personal favorite movie of I figured I'd give Yohko a shot at it, and see how she fared. ;) I thought she did quite
nicely. Ack, I know that the guy doesn't look a thing like Keanu Reeves, either...but oh well...
I'm no good at realism anyway... ~_^ Yeek, and I had a helluva time with that blasted background,
too, so I hope everyone likes it, it took a *really* long time! Ciao!

title: Interview with the Succubus
artist: E!
size: 612x900x16M, 126kb
comment: Basically I just combined Darkstalkers with Interview with the Vampire. Since Morrigan
is my favorite character from that series, her being the main character made more sense to me then drawing
Demitri. I used the VHS cover from IwtV to make the art, and I'm pleased with how it came out. Anyway, that's
about it. LATERZ!

title: Charlie´s Angels
artist: Mario Romero
size: 740x1132x16M, 239kb
comment: My idea comes with a suposse: what if the friend of Guile wasn´t died?,
maybe is the Boss of secret female agents. And this girls had other works: an Eva pilot, a Queen
Succubus and a military stuff.

title: SeeDs In Black
artist: Hikari
size: 845x1357x16M, 229kb
comment:'s a side of Squall and Quistis we never quite expected to see,
ne? Armani and Raybands... ;) They're your first, last, and only line of defense against the
worst sorceresses of the universe! Here they come... ~_^

title: Tomb Raider
artist: Nick 'Xero' Coyour
size: 320x450x16M, 180kb
comment: Ok, I know the movie isn't out yet but it will be in June. I love Faye's
character in Cowboy Bebop so I figured why not make her Lara Croft. So I revised Lara's outfit to
suit Faye and the end result is here for you to look at. Enjoy!

title: Cataway
artist: Jamie Davenport
website: Cranberry Blossom
size: 400x571x16M, 180kb
comment: what would happen if you crossed castaway the movie with exotikah the
rpg/novel/anime series/comic book? you get one cute cat named purdy taking hank's place, that's
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