The subject for AMOK11
is 'AMOK goes to the movies'. Present one or more of the shrine girls in a movie poster
style. It can be something like Mission: Impossible 2 crossed with Final Fantasy to create "Fantasy: Impossible 2",
or KOF with "Fight Club" to create "King of Fighters Club", etc.
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Bitter Sweet Valentine
artist: Leon Chu
website: Leon Chu's Illustration Gallery
size: 545x748x16M, 95kb
comment: I love character Faye Valentine in Cowboy Bebop, especially enjoyed the
story about her background in episode - "My Funny Valentine". I come with the title based on old
classic movie "Bitter Sweet" , recent Valentine day and the movie "Sweet November"

title: Squall's Angels
artist: usagichan
website: Studio Usagi
size: 667x500x16M, 127kb
comment: I am aware of the fact that the charlie's angels theme has been tortured
to death by at least 10 other artists here but never-the-less here is my entry *ugh* -- and shame
on me for not sending it in sooner so I could have claimed the idea to be mine-- It's Rinoa,
Quitis, and Tilly girl all fighting crime at the orders of Squall. Enjoy! oh and the chocobu
thingy is there for fun ^_^.

title: Dance with Red VIII
artist: Miguel Ángel Espinosa
size: 750x1125x16M, 179kb
comment: Everytime that I see "Dance with wolves", I imagine Tifa "dancing" with
Red XIII, why I can´t give a costume to them? Well, if you look to Kevin Costner in the movie, he
is wearing a white shirt, boots and taunts, just as Tifa.

title: Cyberdine Unit Gunsmithcat 101
artist: David Pielich
size: 650x999x16M, 160kb
comment: Take some Arnold throw in some Rally and "POOF!" you got Rally Vincent
the Terminator. Sorry I couldn't come up with some witty fake movie title.

title: Ghost in the Cell
artist: Vince
website: EnigMA
size: 750x954x16M, 226kb
comment: Yes...*phew*...just made it before the deadline. :) Well, I finally had
a chance to watch "The Cell" just recently and also watched Ghost in the Shell a while ago. Both
movies being really strange and all...and thus, a spoof was born. Motoko Kusanagi is Catherine
Deane, Bateau is the FBI agent, Peter Novak, and the Puppet Master is suppose to be the drowned
woman at the beginning of the film... The art was inked and done with Painter Classic (I still
have yet to get Painter 6). Enjoy.

title: Matrix ½
artist: Rachel Jones/Rae-Rae
website: Fork in the Road
size: 531x719x16M, 76kb
comment: I realize that other people will probably choose this movie as their
subject, but it's so fitting for animé, so...I wanted to give it a shot! And, since I like a
bit of irony, I cast the part of Apok (the driver) with Ryoga (the one who always gets
lost!)! ^_~

title: Bisons Angels
artist: Brendan Votano
size: 500x600x16M, 85kb
comment: Wow. I didnt realize there would be so many Charlies Angels parodies. This
was originally a gift art for and decided to enter it when I saw the theme was at the
movies. Wish I checked the other entries before I did this picture so I could have done another
entry. Oh well, too late to change that now. A decent effort for only my 2nd photoshop job. ~_^

title: Cowboy Hollow
artist: Jessica CathRyn Feinberg (AKA Ryn)
size: 500x600x16M, 85kb
comment: Cowboy Hollow - Cowboy Bebop meets Sleepy Hollow.

title: Squall's Angels
artist: Kamui
size: 1500x1313x16M, 125kb
comment: This is my version of a spoof of the 2000 Charlie's Angels using the
Final Fantasy 8 characters. I actually had this idea way back in January, but I guess I never
got around to doing it until the last 2 days of the contest! The entire image was done by me
using Photoshop.

title: Dead or alive angels
artist: Dragonstar13
website: Dragonstar's Fanart page
size: 609x790x16M, 130kb
comment: Ayane, Kasumi and Tina as the Charlie's angels. I talked some friends and
they recommaned them. I was originally going to do something with Tifa, Kid and Aya, but this is
pretty cool too.
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