The subject for AMOK11
is 'AMOK goes to the movies'. Present one or more of the shrine girls in a movie poster
style. It can be something like Mission: Impossible 2 crossed with Final Fantasy to create "Fantasy: Impossible 2",
or KOF with "Fight Club" to create "King of Fighters Club", etc.
Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page
and check out the sponsor's website as well as the prizes they're offering.
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title: Demon Beauty
artist: Spheredra
website: Golden Rain
size: 500x389x16M, 108kb
comment: A rather pathetic spoof of American Beauty with So Dakki of Houshin Engi lying on
a non-rose-like bed of roses. Bleh, my anatomy sucks.

title: Army of Darkstalkers
artist: A.Duster
size: 500x389x16M, 108kb
comment: I crossed Army of Darkness with Darkstalkers, and got Army of Darkstalkers!

title: LPD's Angels
artist: Lacee
website: Any suggestions welcome..
size: 800x603x16M, 127kb
comment: Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell), Shampoo (Ranma 1/2), and Kei (Dirty Pair FLASH)
in the formation of the orginal Charlie's Angels Logo (excepting Motoko is brandishing a psitol instead of her
hands, and Shampoo has a bottle of Shampoo instead of a radio) with the addition of the triangular logo (stained
glass imitated) with LPD snoozing inside. LPD's Angels is written underneath in the original font used for the TV
show logo.

title: Hellraiser: Evangelion
artist: Dark Owl
size: 744x947x16M, 219kb
comment: I love the Hellraiser series and the Evangelion series look like a good series to use
so I combined them to make.

title: First Anime Wives Club
artist: Mirana Reveier
website: Mirana's Mythology
size: 509x700x16M, 117kb
comment: I love The First Wives Club, and thought that it would make a hilarious parody with some
of our more "b*tchy" femme fatales. ^_^ I also couldn't resist including their respective bishounen. Left to right:
Lina & Gourry (Slayers), Asuka & Shinji (Neon Genesis Evangelion), and Deedlit & Parn (Record of Lodoss War).

title: Techi Matrix
artist: Dodge McBurn (M. Wilson)
size: 700x725x16M, 114kb
comment: I was in the mood to draw Tenchi Muyo, and this was the only movie motif my feeble mind
could think up. Oh, well i think it turned out well.

title: The Dueling Game
artist: Lady RedPaw
website: RedPaw Productions
size: 612x900x16M, 75kb
comment: I love "Revolutionary Girl Utena" and "The Crying Game" and for some odd reason mixing the
two together seemed like a fun idea. I was trying to keep the image as close to the original movie poster as posible,
but decided that Utena looked better colored than just black and white. Enjoy.

title: Galbadian Beauty
artist: Aiva
size: 601x621x16M, 211kb
comment: I already had the idea of this image in my head a long time ago, and now it has come to
fruition. :) I could have done the pink flower petals seen in the flower field in FFVIII, of course, but I thought
then it would be too similar to the original red rose petals in "American Beauty", so I changed it to the feathers
instead (which were EXTREMELY time-consuming and pain-staking). The 2 things that really bug me are that the outlines
on Rinoa's body ended up too thick (I used a pigment ink pen, as I usually do, but for some reason the lines are
really fat T_T), and that her face doesn't quite look like Rinoa's somehow.

title: Reservoir Cats
artist: Cloud (a.k.a. Daniel Fielding)
size: 1000x741x256, 179kb
comment: This is based on (or maybe a "spoof" of) a poster of Reservoir Dogs. Most of the
positioning, poses and text are roughly the same, although obviously there are some differences! The characters are
all named on the picture itself, so I won't bother saying who's on it. Oh, and apologies for the file size, but I
felt that making it smaller wouldn't have done it justice...

title: Mission Street Fighter Impossible
artist: Sofianime
size: 500x583x16M, 68kb
comment: Chun-Li and Cammy get ready for another cool mission!
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