The subject for AMOK05
is 'Getting all fancy with Final Fantasy..'. We've done a contest with
costumes from the past already, so this one's going to be a bit different - dress
characters from the final fantasy universe in costumes from other series. Rinoa in Lum's
bikini, Tifa battling the badguys in Priss's Hardsuit.. whatever! There's oodles of
characters to choose from in FF, so there's bound to be a few you like to draw. :) Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page and check out the sponsor's website as well as the
prizes they're offering.
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title: Sephiroth
as Dias Flac
artist: Dark
size: 894x922x16M, 125kb
comment: None given. |
title: Sugar,
Spice and Everything Nice
artist: Onyx Draig
size: 912x515x16M, 169kb
comment: Since you ARE the CG Shrines, I decided
to make this piccie in your honor. It is done completely on my PC. Made by Clariscorp
Drawing and MSPaint, this was my first 100% CG Pic. |
title: Final
artist: Alana
website: Alana's Web World
size: 536x518x16M, 114kb
comment: It's Final Fantasy 8 mixed with Neon
Evangelion. The backgound is from the manga, which is pretty obvious, and the rest is by
me. Do you like it? I hope so. I worked pretty hard on it. I really like the Pen^2-Chocobo
mix! |
title: Squall
as Aya
artist: Niko Ru 2003
website: Crystal Tower Website
size: 317x416x16M, 33kb
comment: My first AMOK submission! I chose to do
Squall as Aya because they both seem to always have the same gloomy face. Ok, so Aya
smiles more than Squall, but he frowns often enough to make up for it. This drawing is in
black and white because the colors I used weren't working. Overall, I am very happy at how
this turned out. ^_^ |
title: Shoujo
Kakumei Tifa
artist: Jill Gillette
website: Shoujo Station
size: 800x990x16M, 108kb
comment: Basically it is Tifa wearing Utena's
dueling outfit. |
title: Beware
of the Tonberry
artist: Kari
website: The Creation Station
size: 196x253x16M, 23kb
comment: A picture of a Tonberry holding a
lantern. |
title: Ah!
My Aerith!
artist: Chika
size: 500x625x16M, 91kb
comment: I think I was smoking one too many
cigarettes when I did this one since I don't really like Aerith or Belldandy, but I like
this CG anyways. |
artist: Ben Overmyer/Urufu
website: Neon Legend
size: 589x700x16M, 89kb
comment: My second submission for AMOK this
not-month. I was inspired by the Lodoss War subs and decided to do a version of Sephiroth
(by now you've probably figured out that he's my fave character) wearing
Ashram's armor. This one is darker than my previous submission, but I like it better.
Still in a cel coloring style. |
artist: M.
size: 404x425x16M, 186kb
comment: Boredom... never really knowing what
was left out. |
Cloud 1/2
artist: Mrs. Shinomori
website: Ling's Shrine to Men of Anime
size: 520x772x16M, 181kb
comment: Wheee... ^.^;; Had myself some fun
drawing FFVII's Cloud Strife in (not-so?) loveable Ranma's signature outfit. |