The subject for AMOK05
is 'Getting all fancy with Final Fantasy..'. We've done a contest with
costumes from the past already, so this one's going to be a bit different - dress
characters from the final fantasy universe in costumes from other series. Rinoa in Lum's
bikini, Tifa battling the badguys in Priss's Hardsuit.. whatever! There's oodles of
characters to choose from in FF, so there's bound to be a few you like to draw. :) Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page and check out the sponsor's website as well as the
prizes they're offering.
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Samurai Fantasy
artist: Ben Overmyer / Urufu
email: Darklance@hotmail.com
website: Neon Legend
size: 748x1000x16M, 178kb
comment: I recently became a Samurai Spirits
otaku, so I decided to make a third and final submission for the AMOK based on it. ^_^ The
result is this pic. The characters are: Cloud as Galford, Sephiroth as Hattori Hanzo, Tifa
as Nakoruru, Aeris as Shiki, Cid as Haohmaru, Yuffie as Cham Cham, and Vincent as Genjuro.
I like this one alot; the original, B&W, version was drawn on Bristol board and looks
almost as good as the colored version. ^_^ Enjoy! Oh, as a side note, today's my 18th
birthday. Whee. ^_^ |
artist: Ann Valentine
email: bluebird263@netscape.net
website: Sailor Goth's Brain
size: 426x704x16M, 41kb
comment: Aerith Gainsborough as Princess
Serenity from Sailormoon ^_^ |
Goddess Aerith
artist: Kiraya
email: MoroNoKimi@aol.com
size: 730x1175x256, 87kb
comment: FFVII's Aerith dressed in Belldandy's
cloths. Their personalities and appearance are alike so I figured why not meld them
together. The background was quite difficult but still, I had fun drawing it. Enjoy. :) |
Fuujin as Ivy
artist: Bara-chan
email: firesoul@hotmail.com
website: ~Bara-chan's
Cyber Garden~
size: 560x720x16M, 67kb
comment: just found out the deadline is feb
27th...i thought it was the 29th...@_o oops. so here is a 30-minute crappily done fuujin
drawn in ivy's costume. oh
yes. and no, i don't know why i bothered to send this in ^_-;;; |
Everything Needs a Change
artist: Dragonstar Rebirth
size: 820x1236x16M, 229kb
comment: Cloud-Strider Hiru- marvel vs. capcom,
Sephrioth- Kenshi-Rurouni Kenshi, Tifa-Psylock- X-men,
Aeris-Sakura-Sakura wars/Taisen, Yuffie-Sakura- Street fighter, Vincent- Marron
Glaces-Sorcerer Hunters. I think each of the characters looks like each other. Except
Strider has black hair and Kenshi's hair is red.^^ |
Sephiroth in Cosplay as Cloud -- FFVII
artist: Sutaffu No Kami
email: SutaffuNoKami@aol.com
size: 603x735x256, 128kb
comment: Here's my 3rd and last entry, also in
B&W. It's Sephiroth cosplaying as... Cloud! AHHHH! And doesn't Seph look
discontented... =P Hehehe... What an odd idea... =b My friend suggested I do it, and so...
well... I did! :o It may not be a costume from another series, but I'm entering it anyway.
For the hell of it I guess, if this gets disqualified... T_T Ah well. Not all the entries
for Slayers on the beach were on the beach either so... HAH! ^_^ Also done in india ink
with a brush... |
artist: Eric Seat
email: seat@erols.com
website: TAOES
size: 600x418x16M, 140kb
comment: I'm proud of myself that I didn't go
"mainstream" by using characters from the newer, more corrupt Fantasy games (VII
and VIIII) and instead went with Yoshitaka Amano's characters from the best game of all
the Final Fantasy games - VI. This is Cyan and Edgar from Final Fantasy VI posing in the
costumes of Van and Allen from The Vision of Escaflowne anime series. I used a G-pen, a
maru-pen, and Adobe Photoshop to produce this image. |
Final Fantasy's Revolutionary Girls
artist: Paolo Munoz
website: Anime Mainframe
size: 480x386x16M, 111kb
comment: Tifa and Aerith 'Roleplaying'. I did
this rather quickly to get the punchline done. |
Rinoa as Sailor Moon
artist: SundanceBP
website: The Partch Sailormoon Page
size: 142x435x16M, 75kb
comment: Sailor Rinoa waits patiently for her
love, Tuxedo Squall, to meet her in the field outside of Matron's house, where she will
present to him a token of her love. |
Final Gear Solid
artist: Amel
website: Miseducation of Amel
email: imutabis@hotmail.com
size: 600x608x16M, 77kb
comment: A tribute to two of my favorite games,
MGS and FF