The subject for AMOK05
is 'Getting all fancy with Final Fantasy..'. We've done a contest with
costumes from the past already, so this one's going to be a bit different - dress
characters from the final fantasy universe in costumes from other series. Rinoa in Lum's
bikini, Tifa battling the badguys in Priss's Hardsuit.. whatever! There's oodles of
characters to choose from in FF, so there's bound to be a few you like to draw. :) Let your fantasy run wild! Don't forget to check the introduction page and check out the sponsor's website as well as the
prizes they're offering.
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Final Matrix
artist: Wai Chu Yu
email: wai@otaking.org
website: XenZen
size: 649x725x256, 103kb
comment: Quistis and Squall of FF8, Barret and
Tifa of FF7, discover what the Matrix is. |
A picture is worth a thousand words...
artist: Sandy
email: pursue_life@hotmail.com
size: 848x1096x16M, 181kb
comment: Heres a picture i drew of Rinoa as Chun
Li. And her police dog*hehe* Angelo! (i just love Angelo so i had to draw him) Theres a
side face of rinoas original form and then theres her many poses as the cop. ^_^ This
picture took me *literally* two weeks to draw and ink, and then a week to color. this is
the BEST piece of artwork that i have ever done in my life and i REALLY hope you enjoy it.
:) |
Who could resist? Awww...
artist: Sandy
email: pursue_life@hotmail.com
size: 848x1096x16M, 181kb
comment: heres my second entry. it didn't take
as long as the first one. only two weeks. but i worked rreallly hard on it too. (on all of
them, equally hard) anyways, heres a cute pic of rinoa as sailor mars, selphie as jupiter,
and quistis as the all famous (or unfamous) eternal sailor moon! Rinoa just couldn't
resist stopping by at the cliff giving the little birdies attention and pettin' them and
all. i did this like my first entry, pencil crayoned and inked. (scholars) yeah, so HOPE
Um... Oh sh*t!
artist: Sandy
email: pursue_life@hotmail.com
size: 848x1096x16M, 170kb
comment: ALAS! my last entry ;(. this took me
*sighs* who cares, a long time! ^_^ *can't remember* heres a pic, where, while squall and
his buds were going to ultimecias future*the time warp thingy that was on disk 4* they
accidentally ran into the ff7 world!! uhoh! and there clothes got all messed up! squalls
as eiji from battle arena toshinden, rinoas as tracy*luv tracy*, selphies as ellis, and
last but no least, quistis is the gorgeous sofia! for ff7, clouds as ryu, tifas as chun
li, aeris is as rosssee ^_^,
and yuffies sakura! theres tension between squall and cloud,*both dont trust eachother,
and the rest are just confused. but yuffie....oh yuffie, shes gettin a little friend with
selphie(more appropriately, her money >_<)enjoy! |
FF8's Squall/Soul Calibur's Kilik
artist: LongZhu
email: LongZhu@aol.com
size: 888x1039x16M, 250kb
comment: Hi hi! A few months ago I played Soul
Calibur and got hooked on Kilik, then I noticed he looks an awful lot like Squall in his
second outfit with the furry collar and he even has a scar! So here I go! I don't remember
too well what the outfit looked like exactly, so I made a guess. ^_^ This time I actually
tried to get the 3D look with Photoshop, of course it's nothing compared to the games, but
not bad for a first attempt, ne? Enjoy, minna-san! |
Tifa in Cosplay as Lime -- Saber Marionette J
artist: Sutaffu No Kami
email: SutaffuNoKami@aol.com
size: 600x540x16M, 192kb
comment: Whee, isn't this cute? I drew way out
of my normal style for this one folks. ^.^ As the title says, it's Tifa dressed as Lime
from Saber Marionette J. And it's also *gasp* my 3rd attempt at computer coloring...! It's
not the best, but I had to use Corel Photo Shop 1.0... ::withers away in shame:: It's such
a crappy program! T.T But a great artist never blames their tools so... ::swallows pride::
(Oh, but before the coloring it was drawn in pencil, then brush inked with waterproof
india ink!) But I like it anyway, and I hope you do too! ^_^ I think I did a good job,
don't you? And as for Tifa's porn-star-envy-inducing breasts... Well, when you're Lime, a
little chest strapping is called for, no? =b Speaking of breasts then, at least she didn't
cosplay as Cherry then, eh? ^_^ |
artist: Akira
email: megajeda@yahoo.com
wbsite: The Celestial Pencil
size: 354x687x16M, 195kb
comment: 2nd submission! Squall as Tuxedo Mask. |
Rinoa and Angelo
artist: Lili M
email: usagi413@hotmail.com
size: 621x745x256, 164kb
comment: I did this picture because I thought
Rinoa and Eternal Sailor Moon have some kind of angelic connection. As for Angelo... well
I thought I could dress him up as Luna. |
Rinoa as Lara
artist: Oscar Mejía
email: red_maverick@optusnet.com.au
size: 572x636x256, 38kb
comment: None given. |
Yuffie Ænsland
artist: Onyx Draig
email: onyx_draig@yahoo.com
website: J Tepes Gallery
size: 380x443x16M, 163kb
comment: This should have been my first entry to
A.M.O.K., but it was usurped by Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice due to the lack of a
scanner. The pic has been drawn since A.M.O.K 5 started, back when it only had one entry.
^_^ The pic was drawn on an 8x10 sheet of paper. I had to twist the sheet in order to make
her fit, that's why she's crooked. I was pleased the way
the angle displayed Yuffie's playful nature rather effectively. Also, due to scanner
problems it was scaled down greatly. I have no idea why I combined Yuffie with Lilith
(From Darkstalkers III), it just seemed right at the time. The background is called
Machina, another creation of mine. Well, enjoy. |